
BLOG The Dos and Don’ts of Writing Web Copy

The Dos and Don’ts of Writing Web Copy

POSTED BY Lauren Pugh | Apr 8, 2022

Your website is a representation of your business and is your greatest marketing tool to convert web traffic into leads. Writing copy for the web is a whole new ballgame, and learning to optimize your content for SEO while engaging with a real, human audience can take time to master. 

From your homepage to your services page, each page should support visitors to navigate your site and understand your brand, what you offer, and how they can tag along with your brand’s journey. 

You've come to the right place if you need some pointers to start writing copy for your website – and we mean really good copy! 

Do: Know who you’re talking to  

With web copy, you're targeting two types of audiences: the readers and the skimmers. Readers are looking for details and helpful information to help them decide if you meet their expectations and are the right business for their needs. Skimmers will jump from headline to headline and scan bulleted lists to see if your content is worth reading. 

Find a balance of snappy headlines and more detailed body text to create engaging content that appeals to both types of visitors.    

Don’t: Make it difficult    

If prospects have to click through half a dozen pages to find what they’re looking for, you’ve already made things too complicated. Give each page a clear purpose so that your messaging flows well and communicates the benefit of working with your business. Provide meaningful content and a relevant CTA or contact form as needed to move prospects along the buyer’s journey.  WebCopyBlog_bodyoptions-3

Do: Keep it short and sweet 

If your website could be described as “cluttery” or “overwhelming,” you’re losing business. Just ask our web copy guru, Danielle Holmes, and she’ll tell you, “Website copy should be brief and to the point – if you really want to go into detail on a certain topic, save it for a blog post or white paper.” 

Don’t: Talk about you, you, you 

Believe it or not, the best way to prove credibility to prospects isn’t to tell them how great you are but to show that you understand who they are. Make your customers the main character of your story, use your content to address their unique challenges, and tell them how you or your product will help them reach their goals.  

Identifying your buyer personas will help you visualize who you’re targeting and create content that resonates with them. 

Do: Use keywords and phrases

Writing long-form copy that offers value and appeals to SEO will tell Google if your content is worth sharing in a search result. SEMRush or Google Keyword Planner are great resources to target keywords and phrases that will drive results on search engines. In addition to optimizing your content for SEO, using industry terms and keywords that your audience uses can build trust among your audience.  

Don’t: Forget about design 

Good copy and good design go hand in hand to create a positive user experience for your website. Design can give your copy the boost it needs to go from cute and catchy to powerful and lead-generating. According to our very own Lacey Wilcox, “When your site functions well and is appealing, users are more likely to spend more time on it.” And the more time they spend on your site, the more likely they are to become a customer

Do: Consult the experts for support 

Not all websites are created equal, and if you’re struggling to position your website as an asset to your business, we’re here to help. Our experienced team has crafted hundreds of websites for companies and organizations across industries through our Growth Driven Design method, a web design process that grows with your business. 

Are you ready to invest in your website with our Digital Craftsmen? Schedule your free web consultation today to learn more about taking your online presence to the next level.

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About the writer, Lauren Pugh

Lauren is a Account Manager at Primitive who helps brands craft their story and share it with the world. She lives for a good pun, is motivated by iced coffee, knows that all pens are not created equal, and works hard so her dogs can have a better life. If you can’t find her, don't worry– she’s probably lost in a good podcast!