
BLOG Identifying Your Value Proposition

Identifying Your Value Proposition

POSTED BY The Prim Pack | Sep 10, 2020

Living in a digital age comes with tremendous benefits. It’s easier than ever before to connect with your audience right where they are searching for a solution to their problems, and social networks and online reviews make it possible to have a sort of social “proof” to validate your work.

But, operating a business in a digital world also comes with some drawbacks, and one of them is the fact that your audience just doesn't have a very long attention span. This means that the second a visitor comes to your website, it needs to be crystal clear to them who you are, and more importantly, what you have to offer. 

The best way to accomplish this is by identifying your business’s value proposition.

What is a Value Proposition?

Don’t get confused or thrown off if this is a term you haven’t heard before. It’s just a fancy way of defining exactly what it is your business offers. Usually, this is summed up in one sentence or statement and needs to live on the home page. 

The point with your value proposition is to get exactly to the point: avoid lackluster fluff, empty phrases, and jargon that offers zero value to prospects. Once a visitor reads your value statement, he or she should think, “That’s exactly what I need.”

Why Does it Matter?

In some ways, we’ve already answered this question. Your value proposition matters because you only have a few seconds to earn your audience’s attention and trust. The clearer your value statement is, the more likely you are to keep visitors on your website to learn more about what you have to offer. We’ve talked often on our blog about lead generation. It’s not reaching to say that if you don’t have an intriguing value proposition, you can’t ever start the process of generating leads. 

Not Sure Where to Start? We Can Help

Another great aspect of living in a digital world is that you have lots of examples you can look at when you’re wondering how to get something right. Below, we have some examples to help you get started in creating your own value proposition.

Slack wastes no time in letting you know their entire purpose: to help you get work done, regardless of where your team may be. Five words are all they need to pique your interest and make you wonder if this tool could make your team more effective. 

Not sure how to get from where you are to where you want to be (literally, not figuratively)? Lyft drivers can take you anywhere. And if that’s not enough of a play on words, their value proposition will seal the deal: The whole city. In the palm of your hand. 

Hubspot understands that, more than anything else, businesses want to grow. And they’ve built a software that makes that a reality by streamlining the process of lead generation and automating parts of the marketing process that frees up teams to focus on the work only they can do. 

If you like great wine, but don’t love going out to get it, then Winc knows exactly what you need: wine delivered to your doorstep each month. This value proposition statement, combined with some pretty great imagery on their site, will have you signing up in no time. 

Last but not least, we have Drift. Not only do they spell out exactly what makes them special in their value proposition, they give you no chance to miss it by using dark bold font. 

Your value proposition is a primary component of your lead generation strategy. It earns the interest and attraction of your audience, and keeps them on your site long enough to check out exactly what you have to offer. Interested in learning more tips about generating leads, building a successful digital marketing strategy, and growing your business? Be sure to subscribe to our blog for regular updates and information!

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About the writer, The Prim Pack

Primitive is a full-service digital agency specializing in strategy, branding, web development, and technology solutions. With a passion for innovation and a commitment to helping businesses grow, our team crafts digital experiences that make an impact.